Center for Life Management Improves Records Management with OpenText

OpenText, a gloabal leader in Enterprise Information Management and PaperFree partner, recently announced a successful project for Center for Life Management (CLM), a nonprofit behavioral health care provider based in New Hampshire.  The solution addressed the need for faster records input and access, as well as decommissioned a decade old legacy EIM system that could not be scaled as the organization grew.  OpenText chose ApplicationXtender and ECM Toolbox Workflow to meet CLM's needs, as well as provide room to grow in the future.

According to Patrick Ulmen, vice president and chief information officer at CLM, OpenText ApplicationXtender was chosen "because [they] wanted a system that would help us realize our mission of ‘Changing Lives, Saving Lives’, and do it in a responsible way.  We don’t only deliver services, but also bill for the services, document the services, store records associated with the services, and then mine those records to figure out what we are doing well and what we can do better. We then take that information and drive it into improving services.”

In the past, CLM's front desk staff had the double duty of welcoming patients, gathering paper information and copies for manual input later, and for later visits catching any changes to the patient's information or insurance.  Now, insurance cards are scanned during check in and back office staff is automatically notified of changes via ApplicationXtender's Workflow Manager.  This allows billing to be done more accurately and front desk staff can more easily focus on preparing patients for their appointments.

Ulmen also notes that for non profits staffing can be a struggle - funds are carefully managed and a new system had to provide the resources for workers to do their jobs better.  However, he notes that better worker resources meant that patients had a better experience at CLM.  This better experience is facilitated by faster information lookup - which is down to 3 seconds.  All final documents are also stored on the system and are accessible even if the electronic medical records go down.  Faster data lookup has also returned increased productivity to the over 100 staff members who use the system daily.  CLM is also taking advantage of ApplicationXtender in other ways by utilizing it to manage HR records as well.

CLM has been pleased with the results they've been seeing with OpenText ApplicationXtender and looks forward to the benefits it will bring to their organization.

This article was based on an August 8, 2017 press release by OpenText.  Read it here.

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