How can Enterprise Content Management solutions help your Food & Beverage workflow?
The food and beverage industry is responsible for a huge variety of information - product specifications, suppliers, distributors, legal documents, factory reports, and more - and this is all content that must be managed, organized, and accessible. Unfortunately, much of this information is on paper. More and more, workers at these companies need information and they need it fast - their productivity is driven by how the company manages its information. And, managing such disparate information presents its own problems - how is a company to manage their business information, protect their intellectual property, and conform to regulatory standards?
PaperFree offers a suite of powerful content management solutions designed to handle the paper burdens faced by food and beverage enterprises with smart capture products to scan and digitize information, repositories to process and store data, as well as add-on solutions to expand the capabilities of these systems.
How does it work?

Creating an enterprise content management process for food and beverage enterprises is simple in concept, but more intensive in execution. To begin, paper-based information such as reports, product data, and more is collected at the first point of contact and scanned into the document capture system. Here, industry-leading processing solutions ingest and interpret the data against established business rules and document templates and return accurately digitized data that can be exported to a processing workflow. These customized workflows then handle any of a number of tasks automatically - deposit payments, distribution data, factory reports, and more. In many cases these workflows can also automatically link documents together, so all departments of your institution have up-to-date access to the information they need. These automatic features and up-to-date information significantly increase the productivity and output of your workers. And, once data is digitized and workflows completed the data is stored for easy lookup later.
The customization and integration of these data capture systems is an intensive process, requiring skill and experience. That's why a trusted partner like PaperFree is your guide for how to maximize the functionality and economies of your content management system. Contact us to learn more about how we can revolutionize your organization's data processes.
How can enterprise content management help you?
Information Capture & Management
PaperFree offers flexible and powerful enterprise information capture and management systems to enable you to leverage your company's information to power your processes. By converting all of your paper data to digital information you can more effectively organize, share, and utilize it. Be it collaborating on business documents, to delivering case-based applications, to managing highly precise processes in regulated business environments, PaperFree provides powerful tools to manage your information.
Our trusted solutions enable your operation to store data in one central, streamlined repository that allows users in all areas of your enterprise to access the information they need quickly. Product design files and revisions can be stored together for quick access. Reports on new products can be protected. Plant operation information can be filed for review later. Taxonomies and built-in workflows are also included to enhance the access of information by cross-linking information and allowing quick searches. Effective permission configurations keep information available to only those who are allowed to see it. And, it’s scalable and administration is simplified.
Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable
Managing the finances of a business can be a headache, and PaperFree offers solutions that speed up your organization's accounting processes - solutions that can receive invoices, digitize them, and then populate them into a workflow that is automatically routed to the correct department. Accounts payable needs are covered as well with powerful utilities such as DepositCritical check processing. By doing this, your enterprise can speed the reconciliation of accounts and reduce the error that comes with handling paper documentation.
Human Resources
Human Resources departments are one of the most paper-heavy departments of an organization. The paperwork is endless: employee files, benefits forms, disability paperwork, payroll, reports, applications, memos, etc. - this burden can slow down any department. With data capture and electronic management, these files can be managed and retrieved quickly and easily. No more lost paperwork or piles of things to file - everything is automatic, streamlined, and accessible by those with proper permissions. Employees enjoy faster responses to their inquiries and the overall process is more streamlined. Learn more about Human Resources solutions from PaperFree.
Legal & Regulatory Compliance
Legal departments at food and beverage enterprises are busy places - managing safety, regulations, and legal issues regarding their products. Enterprise content management systems ease this burden by enabling your enterprise to maintain accurate, comprehensive reports for legal and judiciary review. Configurable workflows assist in making sure that no steps are missed in the process and that all of the correct assets are available. And, documentation for legal cases can be easily organized and reviewed by only those with permission to do so.
Member Management
Many companies offer perks to their most loyal customers - discounts, special offers, and directed advertising - and the information about consumers enrolled in these programs must be managed. PaperFree offers solutions to create, capture data for, and manage such programs to assist you in rewarding and keeping frequent customers.
Want to see how PaperFree can help your food or beverage company excel? Give us a call today.